Creating Company Profiles on LinkedIn

Since we announced Company Profiles, we've received tons of requests from LinkedIn users requesting to create a profile for their company.  Now you can. Company Profiles are an important research and marketing tool for your business that can help potential customers, clients and employees learn more about your company and the people who work there.

Here's how to create a profile for your company

Step 1: Enter your company name and your email address. This ensures that you are a current employee of this company and that your company doesn’t already have a profile.

Step 2: Once your email has been verified, you can provide basic information about your company.

Step 3: Now when you have a skeleton of your company profile it's time to provide more data about your company. Add location and related companies. Spice it up with logo. Editing a company profile is as easy as the above 2 steps. What's better is that your colleagues from the company can also edit the information once they're identified as belonging to a specific company group.

Our resident genius developed pretty amazing algorithms and we'll be able to add interesting and unique stats data as soon as more people will be connected to this company.

So, what are you waiting for? Check out your company profile on LinkedIn ( And if you can’t find your company profile, add it here.

Add your own Company's profile on LinkedIn

See also:

Introducing Company Directory & Search