Using LinkedIn status updates for good | Craig Newmark

Craig Newmark on LinkedIn

[Editor’s Note: This post is from a blog series on LinkedIn users sharing tips, tricks, and tweaks on getting the most from your LinkedIn usage. Today's post is from Craig Newmark, founder and customer service rep for This post originally ran on the Huffington Post. Thanks to Craig for permission to republish!]

Okay, I look at social media/networking sites, particularly Facebook and LinkedIn. It's routine for people to contact all their "friends" and connections to support the causes they believe in.

That seems pretty good, respectful and ethical to me, maybe done infrequently, with a light hand.

Still, seems like a good idea to hear from people about this.

In my case, I'd be communicating with my networks, almost 100% of which initiated the contact with me. I'd let people know what I was planning.

The kind of efforts I'd promote would include:

I need to hear from you about this, and please, disregard any trolling either directly in response, or on sites desperate for traffic.

Update your LinkedIn status