Personalize your meetings With TimeBridge and LinkedIn

Ed. note: This belongs to a series of posts on how web sites and services are integrating LinkedIn functionality using the LinkedIn API. This post is from John Stormer at TimeBridge, a "Personal Scheduling Assistant that works across calendaring systems, companies and time zones to help busy people find time for a meeting - fast".

Ever want an icebreaker to kick off a meeting? Chances are you share school ties or have a contact in common with fellow meeting attendees. TimeBridge, a web app that helps you schedule and run great meetings, has got your back with the new LinkedIn Profile Widget, fully integrated into TimeBridge’s Meeting Room. The Meeting Room is a page for organizers and attendees to access to all pertinent meeting details and materials. Now, you can easily acquaint yourself with everyone at the meeting in seconds, save time on long introductions, and get straight to the work at hand.

To access this integration in your next TimeBridge meeting, head to your Meeting Room, and scroll your mouse over the LinkedIn icon next to an attendee's name. An abbreviated version of the attendee's LinkedIn profile will pop up displaying his or her current position, education, and relevant websites. From there, click on the widget to see their full profile, and even request to connect on LinkedIn.

TimeBridge is a service that brings busy people together for great meetings and we thought it was important to connect our users to another professional network. We tapped LinkedIn's oAuth API platform because they are a trusted and well-used source for the most relevant professional data and most pertinent details. TimeBridge believes in the immense power of weak ties to foster a better meeting experience for all participants.

Try it out for yourself! Make your meetings more open, connected, personal, and social, and expand your network as you meet. TimeBridge and LinkedIn are working together to build better meetings and a stronger business app ecosystem so that you can work smarter.