Share your favorite HuffPost news on LinkedIn

Ed. note: This belongs to a series of posts on how professional web sites and services are integrating LinkedIn functionality using the LinkedIn API. This post is from Paul Berry, CTO at the Huffington Post (HuffPost) where he develops products and infrastructure.

I’m excited to announce that starting today, LinkedIn users can share their favorite HuffPost business news articles with their LinkedIn network. As the leading social news site, HuffPost enables communities to share news with their favorite social networking sites. Now, we’ll be extending HuffPost Social News to include the professional community on LinkedIn.

Here’s a recent video interview with our CEO, Eric Hippeau, on our social news sharing announcements. Learn more on how to sync your HuffPost and LinkedIn accounts, after the jump.
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We believe this integration will generate tremendous engagement and interest from our business section readers, enabling easy sharing on LinkedIn of favorite HuffPost business and travel stories.

Here’s a 3-step process to start sharing your favorite HuffPost business news items on LinkedIn:

1. Sync your HuffPost and LinkedIn accounts

The easiest way to get started would be to sync your LinkedIn and HuffPost account (if you have one). Look for the LinkedIn button on the HuffPost homepage header.

Clicking through the logo will guide you through the Sign-up process that’ll let you sync your two accounts

2. Find travel or business articles you’d like to share with your professional network

Once your accounts are synced, go back to perusing your favorite HuffPost articles and you’ll notice that each article provides sharing functionality with your favorite social networking sites.

3. Share relevant breaking news with your business community on LinkedIn

When you find the appropriate breaking news you’d like to share, click through the share button that’ll open up the share functionality page. Now, you can update this share page with relevant comments before it goes out to your LinkedIn network updates home page.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started by binding your two accounts and start sharing business and travel news from HuffPost!

Ed. Note: If you’re a publisher, who’d like to integrate LinkedIn Sharing functionality to your site, email