Six Easy Ways to Tap into Your Network on the Go



\"I’d like to, but I don’t have enough time.” That’s the excuse I typically hear from people who don’t network. The reality is, whether you’re waiting on the tarmac or getting your hair highlighted, there are opportunities scattered throughout your day to invest in your relationships. Here are six easy ways LinkedIn’s family of apps can turn your 'wasted' time into app-ortunities.

Maximize Your Morning

  • Don’t hit the snooze button. Linger in bed that extra nine minutes and ease into your day. Check out top industry stories and Influencer posts from business heavyweights, like Richard Branson and Arianna Huffington on your Pulse app.
  • While you’re brushing your teeth, peruse tips on being a better public speaker or head to top conferences like TED with your SlideShare app. Sending a simple note like, “Check out what Bill Gates presented at Davos, it seems relevant to the presentation you’re giving next week,” to a former colleague shows you’re willing to help them out and it keeps you top of mind among your peer set.
  • In the eight to ten minutes it takes to brew your coffee, fire up LinkedIn’s Job Search app. Whether you are actively on the hunt for a new gig or just keeping an eye out, build relationships with the people in your network who can open doors for you.

Beat the Afternoon Slump

  • Whether it's getting through the lunch line or waiting to see the doctor, we all hate wasting time.  Send out a few quick \"happy work anniversary\" or “congrats on the new gig\" notes using Connected. You'd be surprised how many relationships you can rekindle in a matter of minutes.
  • Meetings and conferences are the perfect place to build new relationships. Before you head out the door, use LinkedIn’s mobile app to send out personalized connection requests. Remind people where you met, what you talked about and why it's worth connecting. The sooner you press send, the sooner you’ll be a first or second degree away from new opportunities.

Appy Hour

  • Sometimes you bump into people you weren't expecting to run into at the grocery store or while you’re at happy hour. Check out their LinkedIn Profile on the fly using the flagship LinkedIn app. The app tells you what you have in common, even if you aren’t connected to each other.

Now that you’ve uncovered minutes you can maximize, start rekindling relationships and optimizing opportunities. Making the most of your on the go moments can take your career to new heights.
