Hot Topic: The importance of a single email address in LinkedIn

Starting this month, April Kelly who runs Customer Support will highlight the question that's on top of mind for users. So, this week, we've a question that a few users had raised in a recent blog post. "Why do I receive the "You're not the intended recipient" message?". Here's why:

On LinkedIn your primary email address serves as your account number. This email address will also be the one that all LinkedIn correspondence is sent to, such as invitation notifications. If you have more than one active email address it is important that you register all of them on one LinkedIn account to ensure that you receive all of your communications and establish all of your connections on one account. If a friend sends you an invitation at an email address that is not registered with your LinkedIn account, you may inadvertently create a new account with that email address.

Here are a couple of tips on making email modifications.

To add a new email address to your LinkedIn account:

* Click the “Account & Settings” link at the top of almost any page

* Under “Settings,” find “Personal Information” and click “Email Address”

* On the “Email Address” page, click the “Add Email Address” button

*  Enter the new email address and click “Add email address”

To change the primary email address for your account:

* Click the “Account & Settings” link at the top of the home page

* Under “Settings,” find “Personal Information” and click “Email Address”

* On the “Email Address” page, click the “Add Email Address” button

* Enter the new email address and click “Add email address”

When you receive the confirmation message at the new email address:

* Click the confirmation link in that message

* You will be taken to a web page on the LinkedIn site

* Click “Confirm”

* Sign in to your account using the new email address

* The new email address will be confirmed and can be used to sign in to your account

To make the new email address your primary email address for all LinkedIn communications, return to the “Email Address” page, select the new address, and click “Make Primary.”

Remember one of the largest problem areas which evolves if you do not house all of your email addresses within one account is that you end up with multiple accounts.  Currently we do not have the ability to merge accounts and our only alternative is to close accounts and re-establish connections.  We would like to help you avoid this problem area through consolidation of all of your email addresses onto one account.

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