Help your kid find a job without being a nag

Donald L. Wilkes[Ed. note: This belongs to our series of posts featuring tips for recent grads from LinkedIn users. Donald Wilkes and Viola Hamilton-Wilkes are job search experts with years of experience interviewing and hiring. They are authors of a Teen Guide Job Search book, which is also available in an audio version]

Got a teen looking for work?  This brief Q & A article might help you interact positively with them during their job search.

Are there certain times of the day you shouldn't approach teens about how their job hunt is going? The first thing in the morning may not be a good time; we suggest discussing the job search during dinner. Also, limit the number of days you discuss the job search to either two or three and this may help the teen from not feeling badgered.

What's the best way to help your teen find a job without being too much of a nag? Ask if they want your help.  If ‘no’, leave the invitation open by telling them “if you change your mind, I’m happy to help.”

How can you let your teens know they can lean on you for support without them feeling as though you aren't letting them carve out their own career path? Share some of your early job search stories with them. Everyone loves a good story! Let them know what kind of support and/or the lack thereof that was available to you. Then offer to help in any way you can.

Is it a good idea to offer them an entry level position at your company or are you just asking for stressful family meals? Let’s be honest, you know your teen – can you really imagine them in your workplace?  Are you and your teen ready for what comes with that – comments, scrutiny, unfair expectations?  You decide.