Forget the Economy – Stick to the Job Hunt

Kristen Fisher[Ed. note: Kristen Fischer is the author of Ramen Noodles, Rent and Resumes: An After-College Guide to Life. She works as a copywriter from her home office in New Jersey and writes regularly about what she calls “the after-college” at her blog.]

If you’re a little frightened to enter the working world in today’s economy, you’re not alone—many grads find the financial climate intimidating. But the key to landing a job in these tough times is to press on with your job hunt, and get a little creative, too.

Create a strong marketing platform. Instead of fretting over what’s on CNN, arm yourself with a strong resume. If you’re not getting jobs, the economy isn’t solely to blame. Make sure you’re putting out a strongly written, error-free resume and that you practice interviewing with a friend or family member. Today’s job applicants can’t just present themselves; they have to sell themselves. So dazzle each cover letter and interview with concrete examples of why you are the best person for the job. No experience? Think about transferable skills.

Explore new careers. When job hunting, recent grads need to get over the fantasy of immediately landing their dream job. This is smart advice regardless of the economy. Consider something outside of your major. For example, an English major who wants to be a journalist can apply at newspapers and magazines and consider jobs in copy writing, editing or teaching. With the economy the way it is, sometimes having a job that’s not spot-on is better than having no job at all…just make sure it provides a solid foundation for your career.

Limit job-hunting time. Certainly you should devote time and energy—and use every resource—to get a job. But everyone needs a break. Hunt in spurts and take a rest when need be. And limit your exposure to dismal media reports. Everyone knows the job market is difficult; don’t let the doom-and-gloom news deter you from success!

Read other LinkedIn blog posts featuring tips to grad students here