More Than Just a Resume: Share Your Volunteer Aspirations on Your LinkedIn Profile

Earlier this year, the Berkeley Food and Housing Project leveraged LinkedIn to find a passionate young architect Caroline Nassif to join their Board. Caroline is just one of the 82% of LinkedIn members who expressed an interest in volunteering through LinkedIn member surveys, an indication of how our definition of being a “professional” is evolving.

Our professional identities are no longer just about what we do from 9-5, but what we’re passionate about outside of work. For the first time, you will be able to share your philanthropic aspirations on your LinkedIn profile by calling out whether you want to volunteer and serve on a nonprofit board. If you’ve already donated your time and talents, share your experiences in the Volunteer Experience and Causes section.

Volunteer Experience and Causes Section

When you volunteer, you’re not only making a positive impact in your community and on the world, you’re also advancing your own career. Here’s some compelling research:

Whether you’re a job seeker or a happily employed professional looking to engage more deeply in your community, one thing is certain -- your network is more likely to send volunteer and board opportunities your way if they know that you’re looking and what you’re looking for.

So take a few minutes today to add the causes you care about, organizations you support, and past volunteer experiences to indicate your interests and passions. We’ve made it really easy, now you can use our guided tour to show a more complete view of who you are at work and beyond. Then share the opportunities you’re looking for - whether it’s volunteering your skills or serving on a nonprofit board, these two check boxes can make a world of difference.