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The LinkedIn Data Scientist’s Guide to Choosing an Internship [INFOGRAPHIC]


When we were in college, most of us heard about legendary summer internship programs at companies like Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn with summer days filled with baseball games, cool swag, and even free sushi at lunch. While all those special treats are a dream to the average college student, how many interns actually end up returning to those companies as full-time employees?

As data scientists, the proof is in the pudding and to us that pudding is the data. Overall, 3.5 million LinkedIn members have held internships and of those 600,000 returned to the same companies as full-time employees. To help students choose their next internship, we looked at the professional career paths of LinkedIn members and came up with a conversion ratio by top industries and companies as well as some notable insights.

  • The Accounting industry converts the highest ratio of interns to full-time employees

  • Interns in the Retail industry have twice the conversion rate compared to those in the Nonprofit Management industry.

  • Internships at Management Consulting firms have twice the conversion ratio of Government internships.

To figure out the best industries and companies in which to pursue an internship, check out the infographic below for intern conversion ratios across various industries and top companies in each industry:

Please note that our data doesn’t include interns who received offers but did not accept them.
So now we want to know, how will you use this data to drive your internship decisions? Share with us on our LinkedIn Company Page or on Twitter @LinkedIn.
