Introducing Active Status on LinkedIn Messaging: See When Your Connections are Available
Finding your way in to new opportunities often starts with a simple conversation. Whether it’s sending a quick note to a friend about a job, or introducing yourself to a new connection, actively talking with the people in your network can make a big difference. In fact, more than one-third of members have surfaced new opportunities through casual conversations they started with a LinkedIn message.
But here’s the thing – choosing a good time to start a conversation can sometimes be a bit tricky. To help make this easier for you, you can now see who in your network is online and available on LinkedIn.
Here’s how you can tell:
The next time you look at someone you know, you’ll see a green status dot next to their profile photo. This green dot means they’re currently online and it might be a good time to talk to them.
If you see a green status dot with a white circle in the middle, this means that your connection is available only on mobile and will be notified of your message.
Now if you’re busy and don’t want to be interrupted, that’s no problem. There’s an option to pick how your status is displayed and who can see if you’re available. Simply go to your settings to manage who can and can’t see when you’re available.
In addition to seeing when your connections are available, we’ve also made it easier for you to start instant conversations from anywhere on LinkedIn. And to help you identify where you might have a relationship that can help you find your way in, we’ll also surface people you know when you’re looking at a job listing or company page.
With more than 70% of people being hired at a company where they had a connection, starting a conversation can go a long way in helping you get ahead in your career. We hope this new feature makes it even easier for you! If you don’t have it yet, you will soon as we are currently rolling out to all members globally.