Tuesday Tips: Using LinkedIn to Search for a New Job on the Down Low

Looking for a new opportunity while you’re in a current role can be challenging, stressful and sometimes uncomfortable (eek, will my boss find out?). There’s a way to do all this without alerting your current employer. Here’s how:

Stealth mode isn’t just for Silicon Valley startups. You can signal that you’re open for new job opportunities by simply turning “on” the Open Candidates feature to privately signal to recruiters that you’re looking. Specify the types of companies and roles you are most interested in and voila, you’re now accessible to hundreds of thousands of recruiters who use LinkedIn to find great talent. You can also turn off the “Notify Your Network” feature when you’re sprucing up your LinkedIn profile to avoid notifying all your connections.

There are more than 10 million jobs posted on LinkedIn. All it takes is one. Don’t miss an opportunity to find your dream job. Good luck, and tune in next week for the latest installment of #TuesdayTips.