Trust and safety

Building a Trusted Community on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional community that believes in real, respectful, and constructive conversations. Every day on LinkedIn our members make connections that help them grow their network, find new career opportunities or learn new skills. We’re committed to making sure these connections continue to take place in a safe, trusted and professional environment.

Our head of Trust and Safely, Paul Rockwell, published a post on LinkedIn today about how his team works to keep our members safe and I encourage you to give it a read.

We are focused on connecting you with the people, and opportunities, that help you achieve your definition of success. If you encounter something that makes you uncomfortable, don't hesitate to report it. Here's a quick video that shows you just how easy it is:

We take these reports seriously, and take action on anything that violates our Terms of Service or Professional Community Policies. We’re committed to keeping LinkedIn safe so you can continue to focus on the conversations you care about.