Tuesday Tip: Stand Out by Flexing Your Skills on Your LinkedIn Profile

For as many different jobs and definitions of success that exist, there are just as many skills that it takes to get there. Listing five or more skills on your LinkedIn Profile can lead to up to 17 times more views. This means the next time someone is searching for your particular skill set in graphic design or event planning, for example, you have a better shot of showing up in their results. Showcasing your skills can be the start of new conversations and opportunities. Keeping your network active helps grow your community on LinkedIn, so take a few minutes to make sure this section of your profile is up-to-date.

Not sure what to include? Not to worry -- we send a monthly notification on trending skills among people with your same job title, so you can ensure your profile lists the top in-demand skills.

Pro tip: check out our list of the skills companies need most in 2018, along with the recommended LinkedIn Learning courses. Whether there’s a new skill you’ve been eager to learn or if you need a little brush up on one, we’ve got you covered.