Turn Your Offline Conversations into Online Connections with LinkedIn QR Code

Whether you’re at an industry conference, networking happy hour, sales meeting, or social gathering, we know how tough it can be to remember names and exchange contact info so you can stay in touch afterwards. Connecting on LinkedIn is a great way to build your professional community, and we want to help make this even easier for you — wherever those connections take place.

Today we’re introducing LinkedIn QR code so that you have a simple way to quickly find the profile of someone you just met and connect on-the-spot. The next time you’re at an industry event and meet someone that you want to keep chatting with, open the LinkedIn app and scan their QR code to connect and stay in touch. Gone are the days of requesting a business card, asking the person to spell their name, or handing over your phone to make sure you found their profile.


There are a bunch of creative ways you can use your LinkedIn QR code to build your professional community and continue your offline conversations online. For example, put your LinkedIn QR code on brochures and event materials, on your website, on conference badges or lanyards, in your email signature, or directly on your resume.

Ready to get started?

  1. Open your LinkedIn app on iOS or Android and tap the QR code icon in the search box found on the Home tab.

  2. From here you can scan someone else’s LinkedIn QR code and you will be taken to their profile where you can check out mutual connections, common interests, and send a connection request. You can also upload a LinkedIn QR code image from your phone.

  3. To find your own LinkedIn QR code, tap on “My code.” If you’d like to share your code through iMessage, email, or other apps you can do so directly from this page (available now on iOS and coming soon to Android). You can also save your code to your photos.

After you’ve connected on LinkedIn, take a moment to keep the conversation going so you can easily stay in touch. For example, share a video from the event you’re at with people you just met and connected with, or write a post recapping the meeting and @ mentioning the people you just added to your network.  

LinkedIn QR code is available now in the LinkedIn iOS and Android apps globally. With this new feature we hope it’s easier than ever to connect with other professionals who can help you be productive and successful.