Transparency Report: First Half of 2018
Twice a year we issue a Transparency Report as part of our commitment to give members visibility into government requests for member data. The report includes the number of requests for member data and the number of times we provide data in response to the request.
With a goal of giving our members more visibility into our practices for content takedowns, we’ve added two new pieces to this report: a section that shows content removal requests from governments and a section that shows claims of copyright infringement.
The government requests for content removal section includes the number of government requests to remove content by country and the number of times we took some action in response to those requests. The copyright section includes the number of requests for content removal by copyright holders citing infringement of copyright-protected works, the total number of URLs listed in the requests, and the breakdown of URLs removed.
Take a look at our new Transparency Report for the detailed breakdown. We’ll continue to update this report as part of our overall commitment to giving members visibility into how we keep LinkedIn a safe, trusted and professional community.