Trust and safety

Staying Safe on LinkedIn During Your Job Search

Every day we’re making our professional community a place where everyone can find economic opportunity and pathways to grow their careers. And when it comes to finding that new opportunity, learning a skill or getting and giving career advice, you expect that process to be exciting and maybe a little nerve wracking, but never unsafe. Millions of people use LinkedIn to search and apply for jobs every day -- and when job searching, safety means knowing the recruiter you’re chatting with is who they say they are, that the job you’re excited about is real and authentic, and how to spot fraud.

We invest in a number of ways to prevent fraud and combat fake jobs on LinkedIn, so that you can focus on finding your next great opportunity. We don’t allow fraudulent activity anywhere on our site, including fake jobs, fake profiles and fake news. It’s against our Terms of Service and has a negative impact on the experience of our members. 

Before jobs are posted on LinkedIn, we use automated and manual defenses to detect and address fake accounts or fraudulent payments. Any accounts or job posts that violate our policies are blocked from the site. The majority of fake job postings are stopped before going live on our site, and for those job postings that aren’t, whenever we find fake posts, we work to remove it quickly.

You can play an important role in keeping the site safe, too. Our members and customers have the power to let us know when something isn’t right, like reporting a job posting or company that seems inappropriate, discriminatory, or fake. You have the power to report anything that‘s unprofessional or just doesn’t feel right. Our members are what we care about the most, and by working together, we can keep the community a secure and supportive place for everyone.

LinkedIn is a place for real people to interact with one another professionally, to grow in their careers, and to learn from each other. We are dedicated to fighting fraud, keeping unprofessional content off our platform, and protecting our professional community so everyone feels safe and secure when seeking economic opportunity.