New Job January: How to Crush Your First 90 Days
You found the job, you nailed the interview, and you negotiated the offer -- now it’s time to make a good impression. This January, professionals are not only celebrating a new decade, but are also ringing in New Job January -- the month when more professionals start new jobs than any other time of the year.
If you’re one of the professionals starting a new job this January, you may be nervous -- but you’re not alone. In fact, 80% of professionals are nervous before they start a new job, and it makes sense! Managers tell us they form their opinion on their new hire within the first two weeks.
But don’t worry -- we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re starting your job today or hoping to this year, here are some tips to help calm those new job jitters, showcase your skills, and kick off your new role on the right foot.
Hello, My Name Is…
There is a lot to take in when you start a new job, from new names and faces to the company goals. One of the first things you should do is build your professional community at work -- it will help you get to know the culture better, open doors to new opportunities, and make work more enjoyable. Ask your manager who you should get to know first, and invite those people to coffee or lunch. Don’t focus just on people above you; support at all levels is essential to success.
It’s OK Not to Know Everything: Nobody Likes a Know-it-All
According to managers, the biggest mistakes people make in their first 90 days are acting like a know-it-all, failing to ask questions and clarify expectations, and trying to impose ideas before even learning the job. The more questions new employees ask and the more help they seek, the better they perform at work. So, use these critical first few weeks to absorb everything you can -- and ask questions!
Skills, Skills, Skills
Not being qualified for the job you’re hired to do is one of the top three things employees worry about when they start a new position. New LinkedIn data released today shows that in addition to traditional hard skills, soft skills like creativity and emotional intelligence are most in demand by companies. So, take stock, and if you’re feeling under-prepared for your new role, work on up-leveling your skills with LinkedIn Learning courses like Developing Your Emotional Intelligence (free through 1/31).
Starting off during New Job January? With the first few weeks being crucial to making a good first impression, set yourself up for success. And if finding a new job is among your 2020 resolutions, LinkedIn has millions of jobs and the right one for you.
Methodology: Censuswide conducted the survey for LinkedIn from December 19 - 23, 2019, among 2,000 working professionals ages 18-74 and 1,000 hiring managers across the U.S.
LinkedIn analyzed members who started new positions from 2014-2018 and uncovered that the highest number of professionals start new jobs in January.
“The skills companies need most" was determined by looking at skills that are in high demand relative to their supply. Demand is measured by identifying the skills listed on the LinkedIn profiles of people who are getting hired at the highest rates. Only cities with 100,000 LinkedIn members were included.