New Features Help Keep it Professional

To find opportunity, get inspired or build relationships on LinkedIn, you need to trust your community. Today, we’re sharing four new tools to help you get the most out of your experience, with an eye on safety. Take a look at what’s new and how you’ll see them around the fresh look of LinkedIn.

Know what action we took when you report content

We know it’s helpful to understand what happens after content is reported. Today, all members in the U.S., France and Canada who report content or have content they share removed will get a notification with more information. And we’re rolling it out to more countries in the coming weeks, and to all our members globally by the end of the year. We won’t always get it right; when we don’t, we’ll do a second review, take responsibility for our mistake and reinstate content. Here’s what this looks like if you report content or if your content is removed:


Reminders of the community we all want to see

The community on LinkedIn is made up of individual members who won’t always agree, which is reflective of the changing world around us, but we can continue to treat each other with respect. To help keep important conversations constructive and respectful, never harmful, we’ve strengthened our Professional Community Policies. To re-enforce this you’ll see a short message about the respectful and professional place that LinkedIn strives to be the next time you log in. Here’s what you’ll see:

kindness reminder

Stopping inappropriate content

We’ve added a warning at the top of a message that may include harassing content. These warnings let you decide if you’d like to report the content, signalling to us that it’s an unwanted message, and allow us to take appropriate action against the sender. Or view and mark it as safe and help tell our algorithms what’s okay by you. That message will look like this:

content warning

Stronger Professional Community Policies to keep the good and remove the bad 

You deserve a safe and trusted community where you can express yourself professionally. And we know that professional can mean different things to everyone. We’ve strengthened our Professional Community Policies to make it even more clear that hateful, harassing, inflammatory or racist content has absolutely no place on our platform. Check out the new landing page with our updated policies and helpful links:

professional community policy

We will continue to listen to your feedback and provide updates about the features we're building to help everyone on LinkedIn foster constructive conversations right here on the official LinkedIn blog.